モバイル学会誌 3巻1号
journal of mobile interactions Vol.3 No.1
モバイル学会誌 3巻1号
タイトル |
モバイルビジネスとジェネラティヴィティ |
title |
Mobile Business and Generativity |
著者 |
八木 良太(尚美学園大学 芸術情報学部) |
Abstract |
This paper has been written to present the new angle for analysis of mobile business researches, and discusses the concept of “Generativity” which has been currently receiving mobile-business scholarly attention. Generativity is the determining factor to win the mobile platform wars, and both Apple and Google which hold hegemony of the current mobile business have this capability. Specifically, this paper firstly discusses the factor for the generation of Generativity in mobile industry including smartphone, and the semantic contents and characteristics of Generativity. Secondly, this paper presents that both Apple and Google have been achieving success designing Generativity respectively in a different way, through organizing “The Generativity Analysis of iPhone and Android” (which was developed) by Remeland et al.(2011). And, lastly, this paper refer to Dysfunction and Dilemma of Generativity. |
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モバイルビジネス、ジェネラティヴィティ、モバイルプラットフォーム、レイヤードモジュラーアーキテクチャ、オープン性とコントロール |
Keywords |
mobile business, generativity, mobile platform, layered-modular architecture and openness&control |
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モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (1), pp.1-6 (2013). |
タイトル |
スマートフォンによる作業中の個人向け腰痛アラームシステムの開発 |
title |
Development of Personal Alarm System for Low Back Pain with Smart-phone |
著者 |
福井 裕, 川野 常夫(摂南大学理工学部), 田中 優介(摂南大学大学院工学研究科) |
Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to develop a monitoring system for low back pain with a motion capture system and a smartphone. The Microsoft Kinect is used as a motion capture system in this study. The software is developed in this study to track a working posture of a worker with the Kinect. The software estimates compression forces at the lumbar intervertebral disk L4/L5 solving equations derived from a kinetic model. Some workers feel low back pain if the compression force exceeds 3400N (NIOSH criteria). Almost workers feel it if the force exceeds 6400N. The software alerts the worker to the risk of low back pain using a vibration alarm of the smartphone if the compression force exceeds the criteria. |
キーワード |
スマートフォン, 作業モニタリング,荷役作業,腰痛,警告システム |
Keywords |
smartphone, human monitoring, materials handling, low back pain, alarm system |
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モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (1), pp.7-12(2013). |
タイトル |
道路交通環境によるタスクディマンドの推定手法 |
title |
Estimation Method of Task Demands in Road Traffic Environments |
著者 |
佐藤 稔久, 赤松 幹之(産業技術総合研究所ヒューマンライフテクノロジー研究部門), 田中 敦, 畑田 淳, 傳田 志哉(クラリオン株式会社マーケティング戦略本部), 石井 隆昭(株式会社日立製作所デザイン本部) |
Abstract |
This study investigates the estimation method of task demands in road traffic environments. We applied occlusion methods to quantitatively measure task demands while driving. First, four kinds of occlusion methods were compared to estimate task demands when following a lead vehicle and while driving without the lead vehicle: (1) depression of a switch allowed the road scene to be viewed for 0.6 seconds, (2) depression of a switch blanked out a driver’s vision for 1.5 seconds, (3) The driver was allowed to view the road while depressing a switch, and (4) The driver’s vision was blanked out while depressing a switch. Driving simulator experiments suggested that the differences in the proportion of the time that the driver views the roadway between the two conditions were higher in the occlusion methods (2) and (4), implying that these two methods were sensitive to the differences of the task demands between the car-following and the solo driving. Then, the task demands in road environments (straight roads, curves, etc.) were estimated using the two occlusion methods. We discussed which occlusion method was more appropriate to find locations where a driver could operate navigation systems. |
キーワード |
オクルージョン法, タスクディマンド, 道路交通環境, ドライビングシミュレータ |
Keywords |
Occlusion method, Task demand, Road traffic environment and Driving simulator |
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モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (1), pp.13-19 (2013). |
タイトル |
スマートデバイス向け簡易ディスプレイキャリブレータの開発 |
title |
A low-cost display calibrator for smart devices |
著者 |
富永 崇之(九州工業大学大学院情報工学府情報創成工学専攻), 木暮 祐一(武蔵野学院大学国際コミュニケーション学部), 津村 忠助(有限会社TRIART), 山本 邦雄, 乃万 司 (九州工業大学大学院情報工学研究院知能情報工学研究系) |
Abstract |
Smart devices are, in general, inappropriate for medical applications due to the difference of display properties between medical displays and general-purpose displays. We have already developed a software emulator where smart devices work as GSDF display. Considering aging of displays, however, the emulator always needs current display properties. This paper presents a simple and low-cost display calibrator for smart displays. Using ND-filters, users can adjust displays of smart devices instantly, and the devices can output in GSDF. |
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DICOM, グレイスケール標準表示関数, ディスプレイキャリブレーション, スマートデバイス |
Keywords |
DICOM, Grayscale Standard Display Function, Display Calibration, Smart Device |
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モバイル学会誌 2013, vol. 3(1); pp. 21- 25 |
タイトル |
製品関与度別のモバイル・アプリケーション選択構造 |
title |
The Mobile Application Choice Process by Level of Product Involvement |
著者 |
金城 敬太(沖縄国際大学経済学部), 東邦 仁虎(東京理科大学経営学部) |
Abstract |
This research investigated the influence of involvement level among consumers in Japan on their selection of mobile applications. The survey for this research covered the information source related to a mobile application, the focus during selection of the mobile application, and differences in selection behavior. Furthermore, it compared differences arising from selection behavior using verification on ratio difference and verification on average value difference. The results evidently showed active use of information obtained from mass media and use of review sites in the case of high involvement level. Another finding was that focus was also placed on third party reviews in addition to various attributes. Regarding purchase, low involvement people frequently ended up paying higher prices in purchasing applications. It was also evident that high involvement people tended to download large numbers of free applications. These findings may be helpful in devising corporate product strategies and segmentations. |
キーワード |
モバイル・アプリケーション,製品関与度,事実発見型ユーザー調査 |
Keywords |
Mobile Application, Level of Product Involvement, Fact-finding Investigation into Mobile Phone Users |
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モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (1), pp.27-32 (2013). |
タイトル |
タブレット端末使用時の端末サイズと文字サイズの変化が上肢姿勢へ与える影響 |
title |
Influence in Posture of the Upper Extremity Through the Use of Various Sizes of Tablets and Characters |
著者 |
馬庭 大樹(関西大学大学院理工学研究科), 小谷 賢太郎, 鈴木 哲, 朝尾 隆文(関西大学システム理工学部) |
Abstract |
The aim of this study is to analyze postures of the upper extremity during using mobile devices. Using various sizes of tablets and characters, this study examined subjective muscular loads, viewing distances and joint angles in the head, neck, shoulder, elbow and lower back. By changing sizes of characters and tablets, the result showed no postural differences were found between 7 inch and 10 inch devices, whereas the head and neck were significantly flexed and the elbow angles were decreased by using 13 inch device, suggesting that the participants used their laps to take over the excessive load of the 13 inch device. Character size significantly affected to the viewing distance, however no differences of the body angles were found. It was observed that the participants continually increased their muscular loads during the task by flexing the head and neck in spite of their high subjective discomfort levels at the neck and upper arm, which may lead to the potential risk of musculo-skeletal disorders. |
キーワード |
タブレット端末, ストレートネック, 上肢の姿勢, 角度分析 |
Keywords |
tablet devices, smartphone syndrome, the upper extremity posture, angle analysis |
page |
モバイル学会誌 2013, vol. 3(1); pp. 33- 38 |
モバイル学会誌 3巻1号 :
Journal of mobileinteractions Vol.3 No.1