モバイル学会誌 3巻2号

journal of mobile interactions Vol.3 No.2

モバイル学会誌 3巻2号

タイトル オンライン講義を利用したモバイル英語教育
title Mobile English Learning through Online Lectures
著者 萓 忠義(学習院女子大学国際文化交流学部) , 小張 敬之(青山学院大学経済学部)
Abstract An empirical research study was conducted in order to determine if a blended-learning environment incorporating mobile learning and open online lectures could help Japanese college students to improve their receptive and productive English skills. The learning activities introduced to students in class were (1) watching online Coursera lectures with the use of PCs and mobile technologies, (2) spending extensive time in watching several online lectures during their commuting hours, and (3) writing a 200-word lecture summary several times throughout the semester. The goal of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of open online courses and mobile learning activities on English language proficiency. An assessment of pre-treatment and post-treatment TOEIC scores revealed that the students had adequately comprehended the Coursera lecture contents, and that their overall receptive skills had improved with comprehensible online English lectures with English subtitles. However, their productive skills did not improve over the period of three months. A questionnaire administered to students after their exposure to the activities indicated that they were satisfied with the online lectures and were motivated by the learning environment incorporating mobile learning.
キーワード オンライン講義, ムークス, コーセラ, 英語力, モバイル学習
Keywords online lectures, MOOCs, Coursera, English skills, and mobile learning
page モバイル学会誌 2013, vol. 3(2); pp. 41- 46

タイトル モバイル端末を用いた介護施設における申し送り発生状況の分析
title Handing-over at a Nursing-care Facility Using Mobile Device
著者 中島 正人(産業技術総合研究所サービス工学研究センター, 筑波大学), 福原 知宏, 西村 拓一(産業技術総合研究所サービス工学研究センター), 赤松 幹之(産業技術総合研究所サービス工学研究センター, 筑波大学)
Abstract We develop the handing-over support system that facilitates to share information for nursing-care service. In the development, we have ever emphasized that the system should equip the function to record the information on the physical and mental condition of the cared old people and so on. The purpose of this paper is to show the methodology to utilize the hand-over support system in the nursing-care service. We conducted three investigations to understand when and how much the information on the nursing-cared old people in the nursing care facility generated, using mobile devices. The results showed that mobile device could be used more to check the information in the handing-over notebook than to record it beyond our expectation.
キーワード 介護サービス、申し送り、情報共有、携帯端末
Keywords nursing-care service, handing-over, information sharing, mobile devise
page モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (2), pp.47-55 (2013).

タイトル 電子ペーパーの可読性評価と実用下限照度
title Readability Evaluation of Electronic Paper, and Practical Use Minimum Illumination
著者 小嶌 健仁, 佐野 峻太(名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科),松沼 正平(名古屋産業科学研究所),小飯塚 達也,宮尾 克(名古屋大学大学院情報科学研究科)
Abstract Recent advances in display technology have brought about a wide range of reading devices as an alternative to traditional paper made books. Various tablet devices with backlight LCDs have been released onto the market (e.g. iPadTM). These devices have many functions and can be used to read documents. Various electronic paper (e-paper) devices also have been released (e.g. Amazon’s KindleDXTM), and their features include paper-like display and low power consumption. In our previous studies, under high illumination, the backlight LCD would have the remarkable fall of the readability by reflect lump of a circumference background, e-paper which is a medium of a reflection mode on the other hand will have high evaluation, and a LCD will be exceeded. In low illumination, readability evaluation of a backlight LCD is high, and low e-paper of the contrast ratio has lowered evaluation. So, in this experiment, it aims at verifying the permission minimum illumination of the comfortable reading environment of e-paper in low illumination (300 or less lx).
キーワード 電子ペーパー, バックライト液晶, 下限照度, 可読性評価
Keywords e-paper, backlight LCD, minimum illumination, readability evaluation
page モバイル学会誌 2013, vol. 3(2); pp. 57- 62

タイトル ユビキタスラーニング環境構築に向けた大学生による情報端末利用の実態:8大学における2012年調査より
title The 2012 Survey on Usage of Information Terminals by College Students as Ubiquitous Learning Environment
著者 古川 宏(筑波大学システム情報系)
Abstract Our research theme focuses on the development of learning methods and content that is appropriate for mobile learning, especially the development of English language skills of Japanese college students. A survey was conducted to acquire general understanding for development, which pertained to the usage of information terminals by college students (i.e., usage of mobile phones, smartphones, smart tablets, and PCs). Student acceptance of mobile learning was also investigated through the survey. The following results were obtained. A little more than 80% of students are able to use smartphones or tablets, and 98 % can use PCs. While a little more than 80% want to make use of mobile learning, a little less than 20% responded negatively because of the limitations of mobile terminals or their unsuitableness as a learning environment. A little more than 80% were affirmative and positive in using mobile terminals for English-language learning. It was also confirmed that the positive feelings students displayed towards mobile learning for English learning was correlated with the abundance of knowledge about their use of mobile terminals and with the sufficiency of the teacher’s instructions.
キーワード 情報端末,モバイルラーニング,eラーニング,大学生
Keywords information terminals, mobile learning, e-learning, college students
page モバイル学会誌 2013, vol. 3(2); pp. 63- 68

タイトル 科学教育講座としてのモバイル端末活用 あいちサイエンスフェスティバルにおけるスペースバルーンプロジェクト
title Using Mobile Terminals for Science Education Lecture Space Balloon Project on Aichi Science Festiva
著者 佐原 理(名古屋文理大学情報文化学部), 山中 敦子(蒲郡市生命の海科学館), 加藤 雅也(名古屋大学地球水循環研究センター気象学研究室), 神谷 典孝(IAMAS情報科学芸術大学院大学), 坪木 和久(名古屋大学地球水循環研究センター気象学研究室)
Abstract This article summarizes the results of the Space Balloon Project which was created as a part of Aichi Science Festival 2012. This project was a collaborative effort encompassing HyARC Nagoya University, Nagoya Bunri University, and Gamagori Network Research Center Natural History Museum-Sea of Life-. Also contributing to this project were Meisei Electric Co.ltd, GOCCO.Inc among others. The Space Balloon Project was a scientific project in which we launched a meteorological observation balloon into the stratosphere in order to gather video and data regarding atmospheric phenomena. As another component of the project, we held a science lecture and workshop to improve scientific consciousness and literacy among citizens at Inochi no Umi Kagaku Kan in Gamagouri City, Aichi in October 2012. Although we could not collect the observation module, the project helped to promote advanced science research methods by sharing the newest information about the atmosphere surrounding the Earth with participants. In addition, participants could understand and experience the process of developing new systems and the methods.
キーワード 科学教育、モバイルデバイス、スペースバルーン、サイエンスフェスティバル
Keywords Science Education, Mobile Terminal, Space Balloon, Science Festival
page モバイル学会誌, Vol.3 (2), pp.69-75 (2013).

モバイル学会誌 3巻2号 :

Journal of mobileinteractions Vol.3 No.2




 神戸女子大学 家政学部 大森研究室内